
Group: DynoMotion Message: 2053 From: himykabibble Date: 10/28/2011
Subject: KFlop Configuration Questions
I received my KFlop and breakout boards yesterday, so I'm trying to sort out how to configure it properly for my system. While my ultimate goal is to use it with KMotionCNC, I want to first get it working with Mach3, since I currently have a lot of Mach3-specific functionality (macros, pendant, etc.) that will need porting to KFlop.

I think I understand most of the basics - motor configuration, PWM+Relay spindle I/F, etc., so I think I can muddle my way through all that. But, there are a few things I'm not 100% clear on:

1) I have an Enable output that turns off power to the spindle and servo drives whenever EStop is active. I assume that can just be mapped, in the Mach3 Ports&Pins setup, to the appropriate KFlop output?

2) Coolant (Mist and Flood) are controlled by relays. I assume those can also be mapped through Ports&Pins?

3) Pendant right now is I/F'd through a ModIO, so should work as-is.

4) Since axis max velocity and acceleration are configured in the Init program, why do we also have to do it through the Mach3 motor tuning dialog? What happens if those configurations differ?

5) My homes/limits are wired Mach3-style - all connected in series to a single Mach3 input. I assume that will still work OK with KFlop?

Ray L.
Group: DynoMotion Message: 2057 From: Tom Kerekes Date: 10/29/2011
Subject: Re: KFlop Configuration Questions
Hi Ray,
#1 - Yes (map the "pin" number to the KFLOP IO Bit number)
#2 - Yes
#3 - Probably - but eventually you should connect it directly to KFLOP for better response
#4 - Admittedly this is confusing.  The settings of Max Vel, Accel, Jerk set in the Init program are only used for independent Jogging motions.  In KMotionCNC they are also used for Rapid Moves (G0) as well as Jogging.  This provides potentially smoother faster moves using 3rd order motion with Jerk control.  Coordinated motion (G1,G2,G3) use the Mach3 "Tuning" motion profile parameters.
#5 - Normally you configure KFLOP to watch limit inputs and disable (Kill) the axis when active.  In order to use a limit for Homing you will need to write the Homing routine to: Disable the Limits, Home, Move a bit back inside, Zero, then re-enable the Limits.  You would have a problem if the Init program enables limits as this will immediately generate a fault/disable if you are in the limit.  I'm not sure of a good way to handle this.  How does your system work now?  You might need to add a Mach3 Screen Buton to Notify KFLOP to enable/disable limits.

Group: DynoMotion Message: 2059 From: himykabibble Date: 10/29/2011
Subject: Re: KFlop Configuration Questions

Using KMotionCNC, are the 3rd order moves used for G1/2/3 as well?

Mach3 allows all home and limit switches to feed a single input. It knows when its homing, and moves a single axis at a time, so knows how to deal with this. If any axis is at a limit when you come out of E-Stop, it will allow jogs, but not feed moves, so you must manually move off the limits before you can do much of anything. I realize this would be far from ideal, but for now, if I set the KFlop to ignore limits, wouldn't Mach3 handle them in its normal way if the home/limit input is assigned as a Mach3 input?

Sounds like when I abandon Mach3, I'll want to separate out the homes and limits - not a big deal, but not something I want to do right now. Actually, right now, I only have switches on one axis - Z/quill. I've got all the parts for doing the other three, all I need is the time!

Now that I'm starting to understand the KFlop, I'm really looking forward to getting it running!

Ray L.

--- In DynoMotion@yahoogroups.com, Tom Kerekes <tk@...> wrote:
> Hi Ray,
> Regarding:
> #1 - Yes (map the "pin" number to the KFLOP IO Bit number)
> #2 - Yes
> #3 - Probably - but eventually you should connect it directly to KFLOP for better response
> #4 - Admittedly this is confusing.  The settings of Max Vel, Accel, Jerk set in the Init program are only used for independent Jogging motions.  In KMotionCNC they are also used for Rapid Moves (G0) as well as Jogging.  This provides potentially smoother faster moves using 3rd order motion with Jerk control.  Coordinated motion (G1,G2,G3) use the Mach3 "Tuning" motion profile parameters.
> #5 - Normally you configure KFLOP to watch limit inputs and disable (Kill) the axis when active.  In order to use a limit for Homing you will need to write the Homing routine to: Disable the Limits, Home, Move a bit back inside, Zero, then re-enable the Limits.  You would have a problem if the Init program enables limits as this will immediately generate a fault/disable if you are in the limit.  I'm not sure of a good way to handle this.  How does your system work now?  You might need to add a Mach3 Screen Buton to Notify KFLOP to enable/disable limits.
> TK
> From: himykabibble <jagboy@...>
> To: DynoMotion@yahoogroups.com
> Sent: Friday, October 28, 2011 10:36 PM
> Subject: [DynoMotion] KFlop Configuration Questions
> I received my KFlop and breakout boards yesterday, so I'm trying to sort out how to configure it properly for my system. While my ultimate goal is to use it with KMotionCNC, I want to first get it working with Mach3, since I currently have a lot of Mach3-specific functionality (macros, pendant, etc.) that will need porting to KFlop.
> I think I understand most of the basics - motor configuration, PWM+Relay spindle I/F, etc., so I think I can muddle my way through all that. But, there are a few things I'm not 100% clear on:
> 1) I have an Enable output that turns off power to the spindle and servo drives whenever EStop is active. I assume that can just be mapped, in the Mach3 Ports&Pins setup, to the appropriate KFlop output?
> 2) Coolant (Mist and Flood) are controlled by relays. I assume those can also be mapped through Ports&Pins?
> 3) Pendant right now is I/F'd through a ModIO, so should work as-is.
> 4) Since axis max velocity and acceleration are configured in the Init program, why do we also have to do it through the Mach3 motor tuning dialog? What happens if those configurations differ?
> 5) My homes/limits are wired Mach3-style - all connected in series to a single Mach3 input. I assume that will still work OK with KFlop?
> Regards,
> Ray L.
Group: DynoMotion Message: 2061 From: Tom Kerekes Date: 10/29/2011
Subject: Re: KFlop Configuration Questions
Hi Ray,
No 3rd order Trajectory Planning is very difficult and we are not able to do that - yet :}
No Mach3 is no longer able to do Homing and Limits directly.  There is no more Parallel Port Kernal Driver to handle Real-Time events.  That is the main function of KFLOP to eliminate real-time requirements from Mach3/Windows/PC. 